President Biden and Barack Obama Rally Voters in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

HAPPENING NOW: I'm in Philadelphia with my good friend @BarackObama, speaking with voters about the stakes in the midterm ..."

President Biden and Barack Obama Rally Voters in Philadelphia
HAPPENING NOW: I'm in Philadelphia with my good friend @BarackObama, speaking with voters about the stakes in the midterm ...
Joe Biden
November 5, 2022

Video of Philadelphia "President Biden and Barack Obama Rally Voters in Philadelphia" added to our site on November 5, 2022, by Joe Biden.

Text description of video "President Biden and Barack Obama Rally Voters in Philadelphia" is HAPPENING NOW: I'm in Philadelphia with my good friend @BarackObama, speaking with voters about the stakes in the midterm ...

Video President Biden and Barack Obama Rally Voters in Philadelphia has duration 1h 57m 45s

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President Biden and Barack Obama Rally Voters in Philadelphia information

Published November 5, 2022
Views 33,957
Duration 1h 57m 45s
Added by Joe Biden